Portrait by Cédric Widmer
In his search for encounters with new things or perspectives and in his appreciation of the value of chance meetings, Franck Doussot enjoys finding the subjects of his series far from home. Working almost exclusively on personal series, very often over a long period, this self-taught photographer based in Switzerland shares his time between his job as freelance Artistic Director/Graphic Designer and the creation of these various photography projects.
Franck Doussot has already participated in several group shows as well as various printed and online publications, mainly in the United States, Canada and Europe.
If you want more information on his work or have other requests, please do not hesitate to send an email to info[at]franckdoussot[dot]com

Portrait by Cédric Widmer
In his search for encounters with new things or perspectives and in his appreciation of the value of chance meetings, Franck Doussot enjoys finding the subjects of his series far from home. Working almost exclusively on personal series, very often over a long period, this self-taught photographer based in Switzerland shares his time between his job as freelance Artistic Director/Graphic Designer and the creation of these various photography projects.
Franck Doussot has already participated in several group shows as well as various printed and online publications, mainly in the United States, Canada and Europe.
If you want more information on his work or have other requests, please do not hesitate to send an email to info[at]franckdoussot[dot]com